Quality Inn
After doing the complete retrofit of the Motel 6, the owner Ron was so impressed that he asked us to do the same for his other hotel. This one had almost no lights outside. The ones inside were very old and used too much power. After our LED retrofit the hotel is visible from a long distance and the inside looks fantastic. Ron loved that he could pay for the lights using our financing program.
CO2 reduction*
60.498950 tonnes
Power Savings*
79,572.849 kWH
Solution Implemented
The old and inefficient lights were replaced with newer LED lighting. On the outside we added our bright LED lights and made the Inn visible even from large distances.
- Replaced old lights
- Added in new lights
- Made Inn visible across town
Approximate Client Savings
For this project, we had to add a lot of new lighting in places that it never existed in before. However due to the amount of savings from replacing the older lights, this project nearly paid for it's implementation costs.
Date completed:
October 1st, 2021
Installation Cost:
Project Lifetime:
6 yrs
Expected ROI:
6.63 yrs
Monthly Power Savings:
Lifetime Savings: