Oakmoor Townhomes
The Condo Board of the Oakmore Townhomes in Calgary Alberta wanted to spruce up the look of their facility while saving money. Their new LED Retrofit has changed the property look completely and cut the power bill by 2/3rds.
CO2 reduction*
86.116853 tonnes
Power Savings*
113,352.596 kWH
Solution Implemented
Gave them a retrofit using our LED Panels and High Bays in their Calgary location. This cut their power substantially
- Received a rebate
- Increased lighting
- Reduced power down

Approximate Client Savings
After 1.25 years Oakmoor Townhomes in Calgary is expected to earn back all of their implementation cost. After that they are are expecting to enjoy $230.80 as monthly profit for remaining lifetime of project.
Date completed:
April 1st, 2021
Installation Cost:
Project Lifetime:
11 yrs
Expected ROI:
Lifetime Savings: